

Aljabor Corporation offers specialized logistics through three primary business units: ocean shipping, port and terminal operations,  logistics project services and base management. Beyond these core services, the group also invests in real estate, land, and terminal development projects globally, as well as in telecommunications services.

Partnering with global logistics leaders allow us to extend our service offerings beyond traditional services. These collaborations bring advanced solutions such as real-time tracking and supply chain optimization.

We know that every detail matters in today’s fast-paced market, and our careful planning and execution reflect this understanding.


Streamlining Your Supply Chain with Expert Logistics Solutions

Leveraging Aljabor’s extensive experience in ocean shipping, port and terminal operations, and logistics project services, and base management we offer reliable and efficient solutions to meet the unique challenges of the oil and gas sector. Our team’s expertise in managing complex logistics and supply chains ensures that materials and products are transported, stored, and distributed with precision and care.
While we rely on our extensive experience, innovation is also a priority, with investments in technology that improve tracking, enhance efficiency, and reduce errors. This blend of experience and modern technology helps deliver reliable solutions that meet current demands.
Different Logistics and supply chain management

Visibility & Reliabilty 

Achieving complete visibility and enhancing reliability are our top priorities for companies as they work to streamline supply chains, simplify processes, and optimize logistics

Constant Innovation 

Through sustainable improvement initiatives and the sharing of best practices, we partner with you to achieve your business goals together


Intensive Supply Chain 

Aljabor Corporation offers intensive supply chain that offers pre-shipment services, inland transport, port operations,  and ocean shipping